Friday, July 20, 2012

I believe submarines...

It has been a long time since a band and their album have consumed my life the way The Lumineers and their self-titled album have, and not just because a cute boy recently kissed me in front of a submarine. Their melodies and lyrics, which are joyful, at times filled with melancholy and always thoughtful, swirl in my head whether I am actively listening to them or not. 

The Lumineers at SXSW  ©

Their lyrics are heavily inspired by history, which certainly appeals to my nerdy nature. I once described them as the love child of The Avett Brothers and The Head and the Heart and I’ll stick with that description. 

They are paving their way in the music industry and into our ears and hearts. “Ho Hey” is quickly climbing charts with its delightful and catchy melody and because we all want to belong to someone and be his sweetheart. "Classy Girls" is the song I want to play to every boy that tries to kiss me in a bar and "Stubborn Love" reminds me to keep my head up when I get close to being swallowed up by indifference. 

I have become so entirely engrossed in this album that I have decorated my walls with the lyrics from my favorite song and even devoted an entire evening to being the girl with flowers in her hair. 

Their album is more than worth the download. May it stick with you and may you fall in love with this wonderful group as much as I have. 

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