Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Accidental Music in NYC!

Accidental Music is spreading its wings and looking for photographers and writers to cover shows in NYC!

Requirements are a love of live music, willingness to throw down some sweet dance moves (because there's nothing we love more than dancing here at Accidental Music), and photography and/or writing skills. I'm not looking for professionals. I learned how to shoot concerts from a library book the week before my first show. All you need is a good eye, moderate skills and an overwhelming love of live music.

This is a non-paying gig because I am pretty poor and haven't bothered to figure out how I can make money off of this site, but it will get you in to lots of amazing shows and festivals!

Send me an email with a link to some music pictures you've taken or if you're looking to write, send me an email about something music related. If it's how much you hate Kanye West, I'll probably hire you on the spot.

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