Saturday, October 13, 2012

ACL 2012: First Day Recap

It was a spectacular first day of ACL! Papa Bruce and I arrived in time to catch a few songs by Delta Spirit (who are always great) before heading over to catch LP. I knew nothing about her except two women I had met at Utopia Fest had enthusiastically recommended her. I have learned from experience that it is usually in my favor to take the advice of others, especially when given enthusiastically. She was great.
Next we moseyed our way over to Esperanza Spalding, who was jazz wonderful. Her sound is different from so many of the other acts but she commanded the stage and put on a great performance. 
Esperanza Spalding
We sought drinks and refuge in the shade and listened to the beginning of Tegan and Sara. They were pretty outstanding and I would have stayed for their entire set if I wasn't so obsessed with seeing Trampled By Turtles. The TBT boys are tied for favorite act of the day. I've lost count of how many times I've seen them but they are always awesome. Even Papa Bruce danced a little bit and it takes a LOT to get that man dancing. I, of course, could not contain my dancing energy. 
Trampled By Turtles
Soul Rebels provided our dinner music before staking out a spot for Florence & The Machine. She is so damn good and easily my other favorite of the day. She played a lot of my favorites, she's fun to watch as she moves all over the stage, and I had a ball. Papa Bruce commented, "I mean, the chicks are winning today for sure." They certainly did. 

Next up was Umphrey's McGee, who were funk spectacular. Papa Bruce turned to me (while dancing a little bit!) and said, "This IS funk. I didn't think you knew what funk was but that's exactly what this is!" I am glad he has so much faith in me. 

Our night finished with Black Keys. I am never a huge fan of the headliners at ACL. They're crowded and never quite as great as all of the amazing performances all day long. We ditched out a bit early and while walking past AVICII, Papa Bruce asked what they were. "A Mac Book Pro and a light show and really popular if you're young or on a shit ton of drugs. Or both" and at that moment we passed a young fella lying on the grass howling at the moon. "See," I said. "He loves this shit!"  

Trampled By Turtles

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