Saturday, December 8, 2012

Accidental Music is getting an upgrade!

Accidental Music is getting a makeover. The new site (same address) should be up and running by the end of the weekend, but if there are any glitches in the meantime, bear with me. I am much more adept at writing about music than I am at knowing how the interwebs and code work. But if all goes according to plan it's going to look fantastic! 

With the new site will also come Accidental Music's second round playlist for SXSW 2013. It's pretty ridiculous how many great bands are coming this year. There are also going to be lots of galleries of concert photos, playlists, and as per always, lots of great music recommendations! I'm also trying to convince Max to do a weekly post with his ramblings about music. 

In the meantime, don't forget about my Vol 1 SXSW playlist and my Christmas Playlist, which features some great renditions that you won't hear on all of those 24 hour carol channels, which makes them so damn refreshing! 


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