Thursday, August 30, 2012

Accidental Music: Back from Hiatus and what I did on my Summer Vacation

So here's the thing about summer; I'm not a fan. Texas summers mean a constant stream of sweat in crevices of my body that I didn't even know existed, let alone had sweat glands. And that's in the shade! Summer is endless hours sitting in a cubicle tutoring students who would rather be anywhere in the world than reviewing math problems with me. The feeling is mutual. Summer is indoor stages and heat induced lethargy. Summer has so much less dancing than I would prefer.

But not to be defeated by an oppressively hot season, I took a break from music blogging and went out in search of adventures of the random and weird kind.  I blogged about them here.  Still, despite my music blogging hiatus and the crazy adventures I went on, it has not been a summer without music.

I listened to a jazz band with no name in a quiet bar in Astoria, Queens.

I went to my tenth Dave Matthews concert and was as giddy as a girl can be listening to her favorite musician live.

I picnicked at Blues on the Green and was reminded why I have such an obsession with The Wheeler Brothers.

I listened to friends who played around town in amazing bands. 

I sat on my brothers apartment floor in Montana that smelled like weed and urine and we jammed and sang songs by The Lumineers and The Wheeler Brothers (because my obsession might have worn off on him a bit). 

I listened to Kimbra, The Lumineers, and Of Monsters and Men albums on repeat.

I listened to jazz on Sunday mornings while reading my NYTimes. 

And I spent endless hours pouring over the line ups for ACL, Utopia Fest, Fun Fun Fun Fest and being giddy at all of the great music coming our way. I even made playlists for each of them to share with you!

Accidental Music is back from hiatus and ready to dance back into the swing of all things music!

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