Friday, August 31, 2012

Blues for a Friday Afternoon

So much credit for my love of music belongs to my father, who I spent endless hours with as a child listening to vinyls in his den. He sent the following email to my brothers and me a few weeks ago and I have been on a blues kick ever since. 

"This was best buddy and my first drinkin song. The cool thing was, we liked Paul Butterfield (and his Blues Band) first and then he came out with this album and song with Pigboy Crabshaw singing, Paul Butterfield on mouth organ, and incredible guitar...Elvin Bishop and Mike Bloomfield...and we couldn't believe our luck! Our favorite musician telling us to drink Gordon Gin, so we did, and listened and memorized and sang along with this a lot. And now listening again, it sounds so funny, but so familiar, and the music is so good. Man, this is stripped down and simply marvelous.

Seeing them oh so many years ago in concert at the old "Bristol 50 Acres" in Henrietta that is now, 40 years later, an RV dealership, was such a kick. I remember being so excited when, because of whatever circumstances, I bought and brought Paul Butterfield a beer as he sang and mouth organed on the dinky stage that a blues band is given in a hick suburb of an upstate NY town in the early 70s...ahhhh the thrills...

Humor me and listen to this great tune, (how can my boys resist a song titled "Drunk Again) and if you've the inclination, find and listen to the album lead (and more well known) song, "In My Own Dream", a subtle, light and springy blues song (sounds contradictory), the kind of blues song that only has credibility if it's sung by some one  with a pedigree like Paul Butterfield."

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