Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Finding Utopia

"Utopia: An imagined place or state of things in which everything is perfect"

There is nothing imagined about Utopia, TX, where once a year, artists and music lovers gather for a weekend that is as close to music perfection as anything can be. Utopia Fest is an oasis nestled among the rolling hills where one can camp and dance with friends and enjoy the euphoria of live music beneath the expansive Texas sky. 

Unique in the world of corporated music festivals that are so monstrous that they cannot even fit into a single weekend (ACL announced it will join the ranks of the two-weekend festivals in 2013), Utopia Fest only sells 1800 tickets but offers a lineup that rivals festivals ten times its size. There is never overlap of artists, so no difficult choices ever need to be made, except perhaps which sweet dance move to bust out. 

The festival is coming up at the end of the month and tickets are in short supply. Grab some friends, a tent, and a cooler full of beverages (it's BYO, because they are THAT kind of awesome) and I'll see you dancing beneath the stars! 

Here is a playlist of just a few of the amazing artists playing this year's fest. I'll embed it as soon as spotify stops being a jerk this morning. 

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