Monday, September 3, 2012

Thoughts on Taylor Swift Because We Probably Will Get Back Together

I love me some T-Swift! She is charming, delightful, and girl sings everything I'm feeling. She also has that delightful, simple country sound that doesn't get overly crooning or twangy. She's desperately romantic, but equally badass like Carrie Underwood (but way above keying a guys car because she just uses their own actions to humiliate them with a catchy melody).

Except her new single leaves me with a raised eyebrow thinking, WTF? The melody is delightful and catchy in exactly the way that a Taylor Swift song can be, but bizarrely overproduced to the point of abandoning the little bit of country that she may have still been holding onto. I love that little bit of country and this sounds like it should be the opening to some reality television show on MTV. She also talks during the song and while that probably wont' ever hold her back (it certainly didn't hurt Britney when she did it), it makes me want to roll my eyes and ask her why she let someone convince her this was a good idea. She has always been so far above what this song is.

Fortunately, all is not lost. There is a country radio mix that has an actual banjo instead of a garage band guitar and I'm pretty sure this is her actual voice.

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