Monday, January 2, 2012

Album Review: The Brew's "Garden In The Snow"

I have written quite a bit in the past few months about The Brew, a fantastic band that crosses all kinds of genre lines. Their latest masterpiece (I will be so bold as to call it a masterpiece) is Triptych, a series of 3 albums being released in succession. The first two albums, A Garden In The Snow and Light From Below are both out. The final album, Hard Enough To Break will be out later this month.

I can't stop listening to A Garden In The Snow. In fact, had it not been coupled with two other albums as a collective set, it would probably have made my favorite albums of 2011 list. The albums starts off strong with their single, When Darkness Comes, rich with piano and a melody belted out and continues to wind its way through a wide range of songs that all come together to create a cohesive sounding album. Their harmonies are as strong as ever and the keys add a fullness to the instrumentals. It's the kind of album that I want to be the soundtrack to my life.



  1. Hi, I came by chance on this album. I was at Napster in search of the band's albums, The Brew, however I did not know that there are currently two bands with this name. So it happened that I found the wanted albums "The Third Floor" and "A Million Dead Stars" , though also "a garden in the snow" and "lights from below." I listened to the albums and I was fascinated.

  2. I am also having confusion with these bands as there are several bands named 'the brew' out there. Is this the same band that has released THE KEY, TEA TIME, BACK TO THE WOODS, and DEJA BREW?

  3. This is The Brew of all of those fabulous albums!
